Spain & resources


Between 16 and 17 November, Vilablareix and La Vall d’en Bas towns welcomed 140 people to talk about energy communities.  The conference was divided into three big blocks: energy communities …

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RESCHOOL partners met for the third time in the sunny city of Athens On 20 and 21 November 2023 the third RESCHOOL general assembly took place at the Athens Impact …

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On 25th October the RESCHOOL project visited the Sunsud energy community in Brussels in conjunction with the RE-energising Europe Conference. The visit was organised by Dara Turnbull from Housing Europe. …

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The RESCHOOL Project Management Process has been successfully completed at month 10 (October 2023). The achievement of this milestone has supposed four major activities that have been reported in the …

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On 31 October 2023, the RESCHOOL project reached the milestone of the “Requirements of technical development based on Pilot Use-Case”. The milestone marks the completion and submission to the European …

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Jörgen Lööf, the CEO of the citizen-driven organization ElectriCITY Innovation, shares insights about the Energy Community in Hammarby Sjöstad. He talks about the project’s goals, its ambitions, and about the …

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In 2021, the Provincial Council of Girona began promoting a project of local energy communities. What started with 4 pilot projects now has 91 municipalities that are in some phase …

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In this, the third video in the “RESCHOOL Reveals” series, we welcome Jasper Klapwijk. Jasper is an energy community expert who is involved in involved in organising the Amsterdam pilot …

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The Greek RESCHOOL demonstration site takes place in the Attica region, between Athens and Rafina and is led by Collective Energy (COEN). They are a cooperative that is committed to …

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Ulrika Jardfelt is an energy specialist and chairperson of the Energy Community Hammarby Sjöstad, the first energy community in Sweden, and RESCHOOL’s demonstration site. Ulrika has extensive experience in the …

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In this, the second video in the “RESCHOOL Reveals” series, we learn about why the site in Sporenburg, in the Eastern Docklands of Amsterdam was chosen, and what characterizes the …

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The project launches a new video series “RESCHOOL Reveals”. In the first episode we meet the RESCHOOL project coordinator Dr. Joaquim Meléndez from the University of Girona, Spain who introduces …

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